Oaklawn Homes

Bedroom Configurations: (click to see floorplan)

  1. Description
  2. Waiting List
  3. Address
  4. Schools
  5. Amenities
Located on the Southside of Mobile, this multi-family building community consists of 100 two-story two and three bedroom apartments for families. The property has many recently modernized apartments and is conveniently located to public transportation. Residents in this community take great advantage of a robust City of Mobile community center and park that has great programming for families.
1010 Baltimore St.
Mobile, Alabama 36605
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Elementary School:

Middle School:
Mae Eanes

High School:

  • Conveniently located next to Taylor Park
  • 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance
  • Resident Programs

Apartments are in walking distance of schools.Tenant
The staff is very helpful.Tenant

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