HUD Awards MHA Funding to Help Families Find Housing in Neighborhoods with HUD Vouchers

HUD Awards MHA Funding to Help Families Find Housing in Neighborhoods with HUD Vouchers

Mobile Housing Authority is a recipient of a Housing Mobility-Related Services Planning funding award.

On Monday, July 8, 2024, HUD announced the awards totaling $1.5 million to 25 Public Housing Authorities across 14 states, including MHA. These funds enable PHAs to implement programs in their communities that help families using Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) find housing in better-resourced opportunity neighborhoods.  
The program is based on HUD's Community Choice Demonstration program, which builds upon recent research showing that growing up in neighborhoods with lower poverty levels improves children's academic achievement, bolsters their long-term success, and reduces intergenerational poverty.

Read the full press release from HUD


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