Housing Choice Voucher Terminations


Housing Choice Voucher Terminations

The Mobile Housing Authority regretfully announces Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) termination notices have been sent to more than 300 families.

  • For several months, MHA notified these families that their housing assistance would terminate if their annual recertification, which confirms eligibility for continued assistance, was not completed.

  • Unfortunately, many of the participants have been unresponsive after receiving 4 or more letter requests.

  • Once assistance is terminated on August 31st, participants will have 10 business days to request an informal hearing if they believe their non-compliance with federal requirements should not lead to termination.

Termination will be effective August 31st. Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) to landlords will stop September 1st.

Please send informal hearing requests to HCVManagement@mobilehousing.org Questions? Visit our office or email us at ALR@mobilehousing.org

Walk-in assistance is available between 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM and 1 PM – 3:45 PM.

Click here for a Copy of the Accompanying Press Release

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