Reese's Senior Bowl NFL FLAG Partnership with MHA

Michael E. Pierce
Chief Executive Officer
Mobile Housing Authority
151 S Claiborne Street
Mobile, AL 36602
Chief Executive Officer
Mobile Housing Authority
151 S Claiborne Street
Mobile, AL 36602
Reese’s Senior Bowl and Mobile Housing Authority Partnership NFL FLAG LEAGUE
The Reese’s Senior Bowl and the Mobile Housing Authority (MHA) have teamed up to provide public housing youth the opportunity to participate on an NFL FLAG team. For six weeks boys and girls ages 6-12 will stay physically active by playing flag football while learning the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.
NFL FLAG, powered by USA Football, is also part of NFL PLAY 60, the league's youth health and fitness campaign. The program promotes physical fitness by getting kids active for 60 minutes a day. FOR MORE INFO: Visit
“The Senior Bowl is excited to be working with the Mobile Housing Authority to provide kids in our community growing up in public housing an opportunity to compete and learn life lessons through the sport of football. This partnership furthers our mission of connecting with all parts of Mobile,” said Jim Nagy, Reese’s Senior Bowl Executive Director.
“The Mobile Housing Authority is thrilled about its partnership with the Senior Bowl. As a member of the Mobile Arts & Sports Association, the Senior Bowl’s parent organization, it is especially gratifying to help the Senior Bowl broaden its community connections,” Michael E. Pierce, Mobile Housing Authority Chief Executive Officer.
The 2022 fall season will run September through October with league play held exclusively on Mondays from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at the University of South Alabama Intramurals Fields. MHA will secure sponsorships to pay all participating public housing youth NFL Flag League $50 cost (includes NFL jersey, flags, free skills Kickoff Camp).
MHA will announce league dates and registration information this summer.