Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes - June 9, 2020
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DRAFT – Published in accordance with Governor Kay Ivey’s Proclamations Dated
March 18, 2020 and April 2, 2020
Minutes of the remote meeting of the Mobile Housing Board
Held on June 9, 2020 at 9:30 A.M. (Telephonically/Zoom)
Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. A roll call for the purpose of
establishing a quorum was call and all members of the Board of Commissioners were
present. In addition to the members of the Board of Commissioner the following staff
members were present: Michael Pierce, Kathi Bryant, Casey Dickerson, Elicia Brown and
Marie Mhoon. In addition to the staff Jeff Bennett, Contract Interim CFO, Paul Watkins
(HCV Contractor) and Beverly Reed.
The published agenda was adopted and presented as follows: