Seniors Represent MHB, Win Medals at State Games

Above, Mobile Housing Board Chair Kimberly Williams Pettway is pictured with MHB residents who won gold medals in their respective age divisions at the State Masters Games in Trussville, Alabama in mid-October 2016. They are (from left to right) Gretchen Carter, who won gold medals in the 5K Run and Softball Throw; Ethel Griff, 5K Run; Ms. Pettway; Lonnie Robinson, Frisbee Throw; Stella Burgin, Checkers; and Johnetta Wilson, Billiards. These individuals and seven other MHB residents won silver and bronze medals for their performance in other games.

Two MHB residents – gold medalists Gretchen Carter and Ethel Griff – were recognized for their best overall performance in the Softball Throw and 5K Run, respectively.
Other MHB residents who won gold medalists in their respective age groups are Gretchen Carter, 5K Run; Lonnie Robinson, Frisbee Throw; Stella Burgin, Checkers; and Johnetta Wilson, Billiards.

Between 600 and 800 Seniors participate in the annual Games. They qualified at district contests in order to advance to the State Masters Games.

The following MHB residents won silver medals: Ms. Carter, Nerf Ball Throw; Jessie Thomas, Billiards; and Willie Bryant, Billiards and Shuffle Board.
In addition, these residents won bronze medals: Ms. Griff, Nerf Ball Throw; and Willie Bryant, Softball Throw

All of the above winners won medals for completing a two-mile walk, along with Mack Green, Alex Irby, Marion Jensen, Teresa Kirkpatrick and Brazil Simon.

Local and district games are sponsored by the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission and Area Agency on Aging. MHB’s Community Services Department encourages the agency’s Senior residents to participate and transports them to the local and district contests.