MHA Resident Relocation Update - 12/8/2023

MHA Resident Relocation Update
Thomas James Place & R.V. Taylor Plaza

232    Residents relocated (TJP  103 + RVTP 129)
10    Relocations planned within 30 days
94    Relocations remaining (TJP  72 + RVTP 73)
71%     Relocations Completed

Note: Due to health and safety concerns and to alleviate tenants living in isolation, MHA in consultation with the HUD Birmingham Field Office, is taking the extraordinary step of offering compliant tenants’ temporary relocation housing units. Compliant tenants who HAVE NOT BEEN OFFERED a TEMPORARY RELOCATION or PERMANENT housing unit will NOT BE EVICTED on 12/31/23. Instead, MHA caseworkers will continue working with them until a temporary or permanent housing unit is located. Tenants moving to a temporary relocation unit WILL CONTINUE RECEIVING assistance from MHA caseworkers to locate permanent housing where they will utilize their Tenant Protection Voucher (TPV). Moving expenses to a temporary relocation housing unit will be paid by MHA.


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